The aim of the present work is to investigate new methodologies and techniques to improve autonomy in people with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) through a personalised serious game (SG). More specifically, a training with a personalised SG for people with ASD was carried out for enhancing skills related to a specific daily living activity: shopping in a supermarket. Ten subjects with ASD, aged between 8 and 16 years, played with a personalised SG, for ten sessions, one per week, for no more than 30 minutes. Before the virtual training, a real-life experience was observed to evaluate the participants’ performance in a real supermarket. After the virtual training, a second real-life experience was carried out to assess the improvements achieved by the participants. The results proved that there had been a significant increase in the participants’ performances, especially in the main skills trained with the SG. Overall, the current study provides good evidence for the use of personalised SGs in training of daily livings skills for children and teens with ASD but future work should clinically validate their efficacy.