The present volume (which is the English edition of a successful anthology published by Liguori Editore within the series “Studi sull’educazione”, n. 71) intends to offer an articulated and critical review of the reception of Dewey’s thought within Italian educational culture, from the Second World War to the present day, highlighting both the relevance of Dewey’s ideas in the Italian debate as well as the contribution that our pedagogical community has provided to an original and dense interpretation of the reflection of the American Master. The reconstruction summarizes the contribution of Dewey’s thought to the pedagogical debate throughout the twentieth and twenty-first centuries and finally focuses on the contemporary scenario, highlighting the recurrent need to recover and rethink Dewey’s ideas in the context of a “science of education” rigorous in the methods of investigation and seriously committed to social development, in response to past, present and future emergencies and educational challenges. The editors give credit to Molly Rogers for the accurate and effective translation of the texts.